Happy April! Wow, can you believe that we're over halfway through the month, too? I told myself that as I took on less childcare hours this year, I'd have more time to blog. More time? What's that? Between taking on doula clients and teaching childbirth education, I've been a busy gal. So busy that I haven't really had a whole lot of time to blog and provide y'all with good information. I'm sorry about that. On Sunday night, I was hit with the flu. I was sick on the couch for three days. THREE DAYS! The feeling sick part was not so fun, but even worse was not being able to get to the stuff that I wanted/needed to do. Although I know my body needed rest (It was very clear when I tried to go out on my third sick day that it was not a hot idea), it was difficult to do nothing. But you know what I learned? Just how much I love my job. There probably aren't a lot of people out there that can say that about their profession, right? It was *hard* for me to cancel meetings and hand my teaching job over to someone else. Although I love them, I rarely use my back-up doulas and would really dislike missing the opportunity to be with my clients. I'm thanking the universe for being on my side this time around and not sending anyone into labor while I was ill! In these last few days, I had to learn to let go, just focus on myself, and ride it out until I felt better. But I can't take all the credit for doula'ing myself through this sickness. My beau, J, took good care of me, and is somehow still attracted to me after all of it (J: I am *so* sorry our house has thin walls). My mom delivered Sprite and saltines to me and helped me lug around tubs of baby dolls and baby gear downtown (don't ask). Thanks, Mom. I also learned that there are five seasons of Daria on Hulu Plus. And I'm thankful for that, too. Here's to good health!
July 2019