As most of you may know, Josh and I announced our pregnancy earlier this summer. We are so excited to have a baby! It felt very surreal at first and sometimes I still catch myself being like, "Huh..guess I really am pregnant." The first trimester was easy and hard at the same time. I wasn't showing, but I felt very different. Actually, I knew I was pregnant almost the moment that it happened. Did any of you feel that way? You know, I've heard women say that from time to time ("I just knew!") and I always thought they were full of shit. But then…it happened to me. I had butterflies in my stomach for a few days in a row, followed by LOTS of bloating. I took two pregnancy tests but both were negative because it was too early to tell. Two days before my (missed) period and there I was at Kroger, grocery shopping. I was planning to buy fresh salmon when I thought, "Well, if I'm pregnant I can only eat so much fish per week." I skipped buying it and instead went home and took another pregnancy test. BAM…my digital test read, "Pregnant." I couldn't believe it. I was in a state of shock and pure happiness and cried in the bathroom when I saw that word. It was a weird, but good experience. For the past four years, I've been helping other women on their journey to motherhood and supporting families in the transition with their new babies... then I realized, "Hey…I'm gonna be a mama, too!" I had to wait TWO WHOLE HOURS before Josh got home from work, and then I had to talk him into walking into the bathroom so he could read this: Anyways, I wanted to stand on the rooftops and share our good news with the world, but we decided to take precaution and wait until we hit the double digits just to be safe. When I was 10 weeks along, we posted a little somethin' on good 'ole Facebook. I have to thank Pinterest for the onesie idea. What would we do without that damn website? Being a doula and childbirth educator, I felt fairly well prepared of what was to come. But guess what? There were quite a few symptoms that surprised me. I mean, I had heard it all before. Sleepiness, cravings, morning sickness, etc. But it wasn't until I experienced it for myself that I truly understood. Here are my Top 10: **Disclaimer: Some of this may be TMI but I'm here to educate so..enjoy :) 1) CRAVINGS-- Seriously, give me anything salty and I'm good to go. Are there pickles on the menu? Please add it to my meal. My grandma actually canned pickles from her garden and gave them to me for my birthday. That's love, y'all. 2) "MORNING" SICKNESS-- "Morning." What a joke! This hit me so hard Memorial Day Weekend that I was pretty much in bed the whole time. It felt very much like flu-like symptoms. Nothing sounded good and I had to make myself down Sprite and crackers. I was very nauseous for about two weeks straight, then I felt much better. Still feeling kind of sick in the mornings but it's much more manageable. **Note: Do not attempt to take out your trash in the first will probably puke. It's even harder to play it cool when your neighbors see you do this. Also, I can't brush my teeth without gagging. 3) SLEEPINESS-- A.D.I.D.A.N (All Day I Dream About Naps). Yep, I was pushing my snooze button countless times in the morning. When I was at work, especially after eating, all I wanted to do was curl up on the couch in our office and nap (I refrained as residents at the leasing office would think I was crazy). When I came home from work, I wanted to crawl into bed around 8pm. It makes sense…it's extra work for your body to grow a human, but man…I had no idea I would feel so tired! It's tapered off now that I'm in the second trimester, but I still find myself wanting to lounge/have lazy days more often. 4) PEEING--Do I even have a bladder? Is it the size of a pea? I can't believe how often I'm going to the bathroom. I'm currently 19 weeks pregnant and they say the babe is only the size of a mango. I think I'll be living in the bathroom when I'm carrying around a watermelon (see photo below). ![]() 5) DREAMS-- Dude, the power of pregnancy hormones is so real. My dreams these days are insane and very entertaining due to the surge of hormones I'm experiencing. Example: I dreamt that Josh had a bachelor party and all of my ex boyfriends attended. Also, my best friend had Laura Prepon over to her house for a dinner party but didn't invite me. Yep, that's the kind of world I'm living in when I sleep. No dreams of breastfeeding our cats yet, although I hear ones like that are very popular, too. <-- I'm also loving the "Meet the Parents" reference on this thread. "I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?" 6) BLOATING-- I was told by my doc that this has to do with the increase of iron in your diet, thanks to that prenatal vitamin I've been poppin' on the reg. Increased iron = constipation. After a month or so of taking the vitamin, my body adjusted. But in those first few weeks of the 1st trimester, I felt SO big. 7) EMOTIONS-- I feel like I'm a pretty emotional person as it is so I wasn't completely surprised at the fact that at times I became moody, irritable, and sad in a split second's notice. But the *intensity* of it is what really got me. Still does, actually. I did laundry the other day and shrank one of Josh's BRAND NEW shirts. I sobbed. There have been times when residents have complained in the office and I am on the verge of tears. And don't make me watch "Stepmom" while pregnant. That's an ugly cry that you do not wanna see. 8) BOOBS-- My boobs were only sore in the very beginning, but now they're just bigger. When I was in college and packed on the Freshman 15, I was a C cup. Before I got married (September '13), I was a small B. Now I think I'm closer to a C again. Breast changes in pregnancy are to be expected as your nipples darken and get bigger, too. I feel like the majority of people only focus on belly growth in pregnancy, but I'll admit that seeing how your boobs change is pretty cool, too. 9) DIZZINESS-- Your blood pressure drops in the 2nd trimester, which attributes to the lightheadedness you may feel during pregnancy. Getting up too fast and not eating every couple of hours may make you feel like shit. I've learned to always have extra snacks on hand because there is nothing worse than that moment of clammy, sweaty nausea when you feel like you're dying. 10) VAGINAL DISCHARGE-- Wow, it's fun seeing that phrase in all caps, isn't it? An increase in hormones and blood flow to the vaginal area is what's responsible for this lovely symptom of pregnancy. It's possible that you're feeling juicy all the time. And, no…not like a "turned on" wetness. You're just…wet. Yeast infections are more common in pregnancy due to the juiciness. If you are one of those women who go through your whole pregnancy without experiencing one, you are a goddess. Also, I think you're lying. I would love to hear some of your 1st and 2nd trimester pregnancy symptoms. Make me laugh, help me feel normal, and share your experiences below. XOXO
July 2019